Wednesday, August 20, 2014

What's New?

We have nothing on the schedule at the moment.  Do YOU have a group that might be interested in a more in depth discussion of one of my books?

Contact me and let's see what we can set up!


  1. Just finished reading this, really enjoyed! Brought back so many memories! I grew up in Gardens, left at 23 for Key West for 12 years, then some other adventures in other places. Moved back 2 years ago and am often overwhelmed by the changes. Nice to stroll through memory lane and remember the simpler times.
    Are the dates for these book signings for this year?
    Thank you, Terri Bissell

  2. Hi Terri: Thank you so much! Unfortunately, I've got to update this blog. These dates are from a couple of years ago. I travel to book clubs, organizations and schools to talk about any of my books. Nothing's better than meeting readers! Ruth
